
BOTEous Filler: Remove Your Hands

I heard this sooooo many times yesterday at our "supposedly" Team Building's Wall Climbing (or is it Rock climbing?) activity.

When a climber reaches the top, he is supposed to shout "falling" so as to alert the one supporting (don't ask me, i don't know the right term and am too lazy to google) him/her and that he/she has to wait for the acknowledgement, which is "fall on", before he releases his/her grip on a stone and lowered to the ground. There were cases when climbers won't release their grip, probably out of fear, or whatever. This is when I heard one of the climber's teammate shouted a very encouraging instruction: "let go of your arms", another teammate shouted: " release your hands", and another: remove your hands". Yes, I heard those numerous times. Yay!

If I were that climber I would have shouted back: I REFUSE TO DO THAT!!!

Lucky for them I'm one ice-cold bote who climbed effortlessly and descended perfectly, that I never had that much need for instruction. Yebah!

Oh I forgot, am now a rock climbing, or wall climbing whatever that is, ex-virgin! Woohoo!

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